Sunday, July 7, 2019

Continuing Happiness

Happiness is a continuation of Happenings which are not resisted”  .” Deepak Chopra

When we were planning our trip to Alaska in 2013  I started a Blog. I named it, “Happening on His Chosen Miles” in honor of the Canadian Canoe Poet, Larry Everson.  The name had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with Happenings; those funny, crazy, quixotic, and totally unplanned events that occur when you travel. I have continued the Blog for every long trip that we have made and planned to do so for this one. Unfortunately our internet service has been so spotty that 18 days into the trip and nary a blog has gone forth.

We are now well into Phase II of our trip.  Phase I included visiting family in Fayetteville and Pittsburg and BFF,Barbara, in Rochester NY. The three “visitations” involved staying in large RV restorts and commuting many miles on interstates and turnpikes.  Phase II began when we left Rocherster and traveled east and north through New England and into the  Maritime Provinces. We crossed the Border at Calais ME on July 3 and are currently working our way east, northeast along the Northumberland Shore of Nova Scotia. This Phase will end on Wednesday, the 10th when we board the ferry for Newfoundland.

From the sublime to the ridiculous, a variety of campgrounds on this trip.

If anyone wants or needs more specific information about routes, highways, or campgrounds we have experience so far, send me a FB message or e-mail and I will share.

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