Sunday, April 28, 2013

Saccus-Mania (Latin for bag obsession)

Saccus-mania   (Latin for “bag obsession”)

For the past six weeks I have haunted thrift stores looking for bags. Not plastic bags, purses, or suitcases, but those canvas carry-all’s from L.L. Bean or Land’s End and the ones with the logo that you get when you go to a convention or meeting. I am also partial to the see-through bags with the little zippers and the plastic freebies from expensive cosmetic companies. I seem to feel that I can get control of all the Stuff needed for our trip if I can just find the right bag to put it in!

Experience has taught me that in order to stay sane, there must be a bag for everything and every bag has a place. Bags are best because they can be crammed into spaces better than boxes and because they don’t cause as much damage when they fly around in the TT. Our bag collection also reminds us of what needs to be packed. Butch and I have small bags designated for specific items. When they are packed they go into a big bag, and so on. Yes, it is a form of mental illness but it is better than Saccusphopia (fear of bags). Can’t imagine how we would manage that!

I wish we were singing “Our bags are packed, we are ready to go”, but that is not the case (no pun intended). We still have Things To Do.




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